The Jinmon School of the Hokke Sect (法華宗陣門流)

The Jinmon school of the Hokke sect is a Buddhist school under Nichiren, with Nichiren being Shuso (or Koso, the founder) and Nichijin (1339 – 1414) being Haso (the founder of the school). Honzon (the principal image of Buddha) is Sanbo-son. The school stipulates that chanting the Nichiren chant (Namu Myohorenge-kyo) is the right way of Buddhism practice and training.

Shuso (the Founder)
The founder is also referred to as Koso in the Jinmon school.


Haso (the Founder of the School)
Haso is referred to as Monso at the Jinmon school.
At the Jinmon school, they sometimes chant 'Namunichijinsonshonin.'

Nichijin (1339 – 1414)

The dharma lineage of the school began with Nichiren (the founder of the sect) that was passed down to Nichiro (the first chief priest of the Grand Head Temple Chokuzan Honjo-ji Temple in Sanjo in Echigo Province), Nichiin (the founder of the said temple as the chief priest) and Nichijo (originally one of the Uesugi clan (the Northern House of the Fujiwara clan) but he was later removed from the line of heads of the sect).

The Grand Head Temple
Chokyuzan Honjin-ji Temple (Sanjo City, Niigata Prefecture) (Echigo Province)

Branch Grand Head Temples
The Quasi Grand Head Temple in Kyoto: Koryosan Honzen-ji Temple (Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture) (Yamashiro Province) (There are 21Hokke sect temples in the central Kyoto)
The Quasi Grand Head Temple in the Tokai Region: Joreizan Honko-ji Temple (Kosai City, Shizuoka Prefecture) (Totomi Province)
The Quasi Grand Head Temple in Tokyo: Tokueizan Honmyo-ji Temple (Toshima Ward, Tokyo) (Musashi Province)
The Quasi Grand Head Temple in the Hokuriku Region: Choshozan Honpo-ji Temple (Yatsuo-machi, Toyama City, Toyama Prefecture) (Ecchu Province)
The Sacred Site Quasi Grand Head Temple: Soganzan Renchaku-ji Temple (Ito City, Shizuoka Prefecture) (Izu Province)

At the Jinmon school, it has been defined that the first of Sanpo (or Sanbo, 3 treasures of Buddhism: Buddha, sutras and priesthood) 久遠実成本仏釈迦牟尼世尊 being Buddha, Horenge-kyo (or Hokekyo) perceived as the correct teachings of Buddhism being sutra and Nichiren being the Priest (as referred to as Nichiren at the Jinmon school). The dogma of the Jinmon school is based on the argument that Shaka is the principal object of worship at the temple and the school belongs to the Shoretsu-ha.

Nichijin who studied under Nichijo of Hongoku-ji Temple (Kyoto City) was given Honjo-ji Temple in Sanjo in Echigo Province (Sanjo City, Niigata Prefecture) by Nichijo prior to his death thereby establishing the Nichijin school. In 1406, Nichijin built Honzen-ji Temple to promulgate his faith in Kyoto.

In 1253, the Jinmon school of the Hokke sect was established as a religious sect by the founder Nichiren.

In 1297, Nichiin built Chokyuzan Honjo-ji Temple in Sanjo in Echigo Province (四長本山 of which the first priest was Nichiro (one of the Rokuroso (the six outstanding priests of the Nichiren sect)) (Sanjo City, Niigata Prefecture).

Between 1318 and 1319 when the miyashogun (shogun from the Imperial Court) Imperial Prince Morikuni was the Seii taishogun (literally, 'the great general who subdues the barbarians'), substituting the aged Nichiro, Nichiin refuted all of the priests representing other sects before Takatoki HOJO, the regent and Tokuso (the patrimonial head of the main branch of the Hojo clan) of the Kamakura bakufu (so called the Kamakura denchu mondo (the Questions and Answers Session at the Shogunate Residence in Kamakura) (Nichiin's pupil Nichijo took the minutes of that session.

In 1406, Nichijin, the pupil of the late Nichijo built Honzen-ji Temple (Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture).

In 1872, in accordance with the one head per religious sect rule, the Nichijin school merged with all other schools under the Nichiren sect.

In 1874, the Nichijin school became affiliated with the Nichiren sect Shoretsu-ha.

In 1876, with installation of the head, the Nichijin school publicly referred to itself as the Honjo-ji school whereby the Nichiren sect Shoretsu-ha broke up.

In 1898, the Honjo-ji school changed its name to the Hokke sect.

In 1941, the Hokke sect, Honmon Hokke sect and Honmyo Hokke sect were amalgamated as prescribed by the Religious Corporations Ordinance whereby becoming publicly referred to as the Hokke Sect.

In 1951, breaking away from the Hokke Sect, the former Nichijin school faction became referred to as the Hokke sect Jinmon school.

[Original Japanese]